Frequently Asked Questions

  1. I am terrible with computers; how do I access the session: I send you a link to download the HIPAA-compliant platform. It is a click of a button to download the platform onto your phone, tablet, or other device. And another click to enter session.
  2. What if I have technical difficulties: I can provide tech support either over the phone or email. Your session will not be impacted.
  3. I do not have privacy at home: In the years I have been practicing virtually, clients have enjoyed their session from their car, backyard, and even a walk-in closet. While this might not initially sound ideal to you, clients report that these creative solutions were still preferrable over having to commute to my office.
  4. Don’t you need to be in the same room with someone to connect? Specifically, to relate to their emotions: Not at all. In fact, I provide workshops to teach other practitioners the art of connecting virtually. So, for you it may seem strange, but for myself and others who do this work and have training in connecting deeply the technology is not a barrier at all. Clients report that they “feel” my warmth, empathy, compassion, and non-judgment.

If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to email me.

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