The Austrian artist Gustav Klimt created the painting above to depict a woman’s journey from “Expectation” to “Fulfillment” as part of the Tree of Life.
We all have things we want out of life that we expect will bring us fulfillment: a love relationship, a better job, more money, health, maybe even children.
Fulfillment begins with consciously reflecting about what you need to leave behind, or change, as well as what you hope to call into your life. It’s important to be specific. Generalizations such as, “I just want to be happy,” or “I don’t want to fight with my partner,” may make the journey from expectation to fulfillment longer and more difficult. So will continuing to do the same thing and expecting different results.
The purpose of this site is to provide you with research, strategies, and real-life stories of practical application to help you make that journey to fulfillment, or what I call healing for lasting change, easier. Here you will find a range of topics to draw from as you clarify your expectations, identify your goals for change, and then choose strategies that are in alignment with your values, perceptions, and beliefs to help you create the life you want to live.
Whether you are searching for yourself, for you and your partner, or as a parent for your child or adolescent, you will find strategies grounded in neuroscience to promote the lasting change you desire.