The Power of Attention to Create Choice and Change

“Where attention goes, neural firing flows, and integration grows.” Daniel Siegel’s pithy phrase helps us remember that what we learn, what we master, starts with what we attend to…or what we don’t! You can’t control thoughts, but you can change your relationship with the thoughts.

Start by pausing now, closing your eyes, and just noticing what is your mind doing right now? Observe, do thoughts come and go rapidly, are they connected, is there a space between them?

Tuning in is the first step on the path toward using the power of attention to create choice and change, taking yourself off autopilot mode by simply asking yourself, “What’s there?” when it comes to your thoughts, feelings, sensations. For a nice introduction to this topic, watch Rick Hanson describe attention and some of the benefits you might receive by using your mind to change your brain.

Email me for more information or for group trainings I offer for teachers and parents regarding observation, mindfulness, and rewiring the brain.


Author: Laura Fish

Laura Fish is a marriage and family therapist in private practice as well as a consultant in the field of education, providing training and coaching for educators in support of social and emotional development. Laura began her work in early education over twenty years ago as a preschool teacher and went on to serve as a mental health consultant for public, private pay and Head Start infant, toddler and preschool early education programs. Her work in private practice is in support of individuals, couples, and families manifesting healing for lasting change with mindfulness-based practices. To find out more about Laura’s work as a therapist or consultant, please visit her website at

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